Economic Equilibrium and Theological Schools

Economic Equilibrium and Theological Schools

Economic Equilibrium and Theological Schools

A significant number of ATS schools are experiencing substantive and enduring financial stress that threatens their ability to attain their respective missions. Through this initiative, ATS identified underlying issues that resulted in chronic financial stress, patterns of institutional responses that could ameliorate the impact of this stress while schools are seeking remedy, and patterns of institutional effort that could provide for healthier financial futures for these schools. In collaboration with the Auburn Center for the Study of Theological Education and In Trust Center for Theological Schools, the Association redeveloped the Strategic Information Report to strengthen its usefulness by the schools in the areas of governance, administration, and institutional planning and assessment. ATS also developed instructional guides to enhance the usefulness of the Institutional Peer Profile Report and the Strategic Information Report.

Read more about the initiative in this issue of the Theological Education journal.

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